Uncorked Academy
By Ryan Osborne

A wine school and social space focusing on sustainability and community, Uncorked Academy wines and dines locals and visitors alike, serving up an array of activities to suit all tastes. A heady blend of wine-based fun includes supper club-style food and wine pairings (using Catalan wines and seasonal produce), cooking masterclasses, craft workshops and even family festivities.
Uncorked’s showstopper, however, is its Sabre the Moment class – an experience that’s carving a niche in alternative Barcelona. Participants learn to uncork a bottle of cava with one swish of a sword. It’s a clever twist on a wine tasting event that guarantees thrills and spills (more of the former, less of the latter), leaves an indelible mark – on the sabreur and the bullseye on the wall – and is absolutely exhilarating.
You’ll need a few glasses of cava afterwards, just to take the edge off.