About the Transformation
By Charlotte Stace

CaixaForum holds a screening and subsequent talk on films that speak to us of the power of transformation.
The winner of the National Cinematography Award, Carla Simón, talks to us about the concept of transformation and power from Caprice (1986), the short film by Joanna Hogg, and Orlando (1992), the feature film by Sally Potter. Both connect with the desperate struggle of women to be accepted and represent two cases where the focus of the reflection is placed on the pressures on women to behave in a certain way.
The session will be followed with a filmed introduction by Carla Simón, who will talk about the reasons that have led to this selection, as well as the work of Virginia Woolf, the pressures, and the collective imaginaries about female bodies through the work of Johanna Hogg. Films will be shown in their original language. Admission is 6 Euros.