Fundacio Joan Miro - season of films
By Charlotte Stace

The Fundació Joan Miró holds a season of films that partners its current exhibition, 'Imaginary Friends'. The season will focus on the notion of the imaginary friend from various perspectives central to contemporary European cinema.
The fantastical encounter between two girls connected by grief, the cross-border communication that develops in an unexpected community of children, cohabitation with ancestors still present in rural Galicia, and the need to devise an imaginary friend that provides a welcoming refuge in times of war, are just some of the themes that will be present in the series of screenings.
The various films will be held in the Auditorium of the Fundació and will each be followed by a talk with the director of the film shown. In partnership with Filmin, Noucinemart and Elástica Films, the programme of screenings for this season include: Petite Maman (25th March), Braguino (13th April), Trinta Lumes (4th May), and Tove (8th June).