Gods, wizards and sages
By Charlotte Stace

CaixaForum’s latest exhibition, Gods, Wizards and Sages, is an invitation to discover the private collections of ten artists, as well as the relationship with their imaginations, their interests and obsessions, their creative processes and, ultimately, their own work.
Throughout the 20th century, the look at the other has been changing in its perspective and approach. The artist's gaze enriches the understanding of the objects, which, in turn, reveal aspects related to his interests and his creative process.
This exhibition presents an unprecedented experience: it shows the work of ten artists from the ”la Caixa” Foundation Contemporary Art Collection (Rosa Amorós, Miquel Barceló, Georg Baselitz, Luis Feito, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Manolo Millares, Joan Miró, Susana Solano, Hiroshi Sugimoto and Antoni Tàpies) together with objects from their personal collections. For example, pieces of art from non-European traditions in the case of Miró and Tàpies or Japanese religious objects in the case of Sugimoto.