HUMAN 3Y: Three Years of Human Club
By Kit Macdonald

"For three years, we’ve danced through dimensions where the physical world dissolves into ethereal realms. Our bodies are vessels for rhythm, our souls are conduits for sound, our spirits float in a collective euphoria." So say the good people behind Razzmatazz's Human Club, and who, when it comes down to it, are we to argue?
Human is three years old this weekend, and the keepers of the credible and experimental faith at the Poble Nou megaclub have assembled a fine, dub techno-focused lineup for the occasion. Two revered Germans top the bill in the shape of ambient god Wolfgang Voigt, aka Gas, who'll be playing "an audiovisual non-stop psychedelic live trip", and dub techno pioneer Moritz Von Oswald, who is also one half of Basic Channel and Maurizio.
Detroit's Rod Modell also brings his long-standing DeepChord project live, ABSIS plays a live ambient set, and local talents Imox and mod.1 also play, alongside a selection of other local artists affiliated with or who have helped shape the sound of Human, who, the organisers say, "will converge in a sequence of back-to-backs".