Lluis Borrassà
By Charlotte Stace

MNAC’s latest exhibition, ‘Lluís Borrassà. The rediscovered colours of the Barcelona Cathedral’, will present its latest additions to the museum’s Gothic art collection. These include the panels of the Profession of Saint Peter the Martyr and the Beheading of the relatives of Sant Hipòlit.
The two paintings are of special relevance both for their remarkable artistic value and for having belonged in the cathedral of Barcelona. Created by one of Catalunya’s leading Gothic painters Lluís Borrassà who lived during the 14th century, the works are a must-see for anyone interested in Gothic art.
Principally, the exhibition will address the work of Borrassà through his production for the cathedral of Barcelona. Yet, along with these works, most of which are not well known to the public, parts of the altarpiece of Saint Andrew in the cathedral will also be exhibited.