Mini Maker Faire
By Yvonne Mannix

Part of a worldwide movement that gained steam in 2006 with the launch of the first Maker Faire in California, this month sees the Mini Maker Faire come to CosmoCaixa to showcase the creativity and skills of innovators in science, engineering, art and more.
The aim is to share the work of grassroots makers who are exploring new forms and technologies, and give those makers a chance to interact with the public as well as fellow innovators. This year brings underwater exploration robots, open-source beehives, low-cost baby incubators, developments in 3D printing and a host of other exciting projects to explore.
If you’re looking for inspiration and encouragement for your ideas, or you’re curious about the world of do-it-yourself technology, it’s a perfect opportunity to learn more and kick-start your potential. Maybe you’ll become part of the maker revolution in 2016.