Shane Wolf
By Charlotte Stace

MEAM welcome their new exhibition, A Tour de Force from contemporary American artist, Shane Wolf.
Born in Ohio, Wolf studied for a BA in Graphic Design before moving to Italy to study classical painting and drawing. He is one of a select few contemporary artists trained in the techniques of High Renaissance painters. After studying at the Angel Academy of Art in Florence he received much acclaim for his figurative portraits and use of natural light. He has gone on to receive many awards from renowned art centres such as the European Academy of Art, the Art Renewal Centre and the Société des Artistes Français.
In his first major anthological museum show, Wolf unveils more than 190 works that showcase his new monumental pieces as well as his thorough working process: from initial abstract compositional research, value compositions, storyboarding and colour scripting, to pose research and final preparatory drawings always executed from the live model to the final finished works.