The Other David Lynch: The Shorts
By Kit Macdonald

For many, the death of David Lynch last month was one of the sorest celebrity losses in many years. One tiny silver lining has been the chance to luxuriate in pretty much all of his major works (apart from Dune, which everyone understandably seems happy to pass over) at multiple cinema screenings arranged around the city in the weeks since he left us.
We caught The Other David Lynch: The Shorts after a screening of Eraserhead at Cine Renoir a few weeks ago, and can confirm it's one for the superfans, of which there are of course many. The four early shorts included (Six Men Getting Sick (Six Times), The Alphabet, The Amputee and The Grandmother) are deeply experimental pieces. The first three very much set the stage for The Grandmother, a 33-minute work from 1970 made with funding from the American Film Institute, and which was the launchpad for all the glories to come.