The Rock Orchestra by candlelight
By Charlotte Stace

Get ready for a show like no other! Razzamtazz will host this year’s Rock Orchestra by candlelight.
Join party goers for an evening of rock and metal hits from over the last 50 years performed by a 13-piece chamber orchestra surrounded by more than 1000 candles. You’ll hear renditions of some of rock’s most loved hits from: Metallica, Rage Against The Machine, MotorHead, Linkin Park, Led Zeppelin, Evanescence, Guns N Roses, Billy Idol, Queens of The Stone Age, Scorpions, and many more.
So, crack out those headbands, dust off your leather jackets and head to Razzmatazz for an unforgettable evening, as The Rock Orchestra takes you on a musical journey from the tear jerkers and fist pumpers, to the all-out sing-alongs! Tickets cost 29 Euros and sell out fast so make sure to get yours quickly!