The women of bauhaus
By Charlotte Stace

CaixaForum is holding a special screening of The Women of The Bauhaus (2019). Directed by Susanne Radelhof, this documentary explores the role women have played in this prestigious art school.
The Bauhaus School was founded in 1919 and marked the start of a new epoch in design and architecture. It was also encompassed by the desire to create a new society based on gender equality. Yet, until now, the most recognised names from the school are those of male teachers such as Walter Gropius, Johannes Itten and Paul Klee. Out of the almost 500 female artists who studied and taught there over the years, and who have contributed to our current vision of design, women remain unrecognised or even forgotten.
This documentary is a tribute to those figures, among whom are Alma Buscher, Marianne Brandt, Gunta Stölzl, Friedl Dicker and Lucia Moholy. The screening will be held in the documentary’s original language - German - with subtitles in Spanish.