By Annebeth Vis

Most of the vermuterías in town are those where time seems to have stood still. Matalaranya definitely isn’t. This modern vermouth bar is located within Casa de les Punxes, one of the most important buildings by Josep Puig i Cadafalch, a contemporary of Gaudí.
Inside, Modernist details are combined with a classic wooden bar, vintage chairs and more contemporary elements, such as the “wine corks” stools. Wines are local – such as the Yzaguirre vermouth from Tarragona, a classic in Spain – and so is the food: think codfish bunyols with honey & lime or Iberian pork flank with potatoes & onions, prepared with ingredients from the Catalan countryside.
What about the name? “Matalaranya” may sound exotic but in fact comes from “mata l’aranya” in Catalan, or “kill the spider,” a phrase taken from a poem by Joan Maragall about the feast of Sant Jordi. Those who look carefully will discover the poem on the wall in the back.